Somewhere along the road, I ended up following a vehicle licensed, "Ophelia." I followed Ophelia for an excruciatingly long time. The vehicle was driven by a man. When the road ran with double no passing lines, the car went beyond slow, and when it broke into passing lines it sped up fast and short until it came again to double lines and slowed to just below 20 on straight roads with posted 45 speeds.
At first I was frustrated that I could not progress beyond this person who was getting a thrill of holding me back. The joy was obvious in the tortoise and hare race, both characters played by the front driver dependent upon the markings of the road. As I marveled at the selfish behavior of the man behind the wheel, thoughts filled my head.
This person is not unlike the people, elements, and worldly barriers that keep us from progressing. As children and youth, we are dependent upon others to help us in the discovery and encouragement of the wonderful strengths we posses. Some Ophelia's, in our individual lives, might be so uncomfortable within their own selves and choices, they thoughtlessly press to stunt us from progressing beyond where they are to save themselves from the guilt or sorrow of their own choices or situation. Some Ophelias might be insecure beings and try to keep us only unto them, as with a manipulating boyfriend or peer. Ophelias can also be self doubt, our own fear of success. We are blessed to have mentors in parents, teachers, and leaders that love us enough to help us to become visible to the many gifts that were given to us from above, and to provide those growth avenues to grow these gifts, ability, exploration, and learning.
When the driver finally pulled off, he continued at a rapid pace having finished his game. No one held me back. I suddenly had the agency I needed to move forward, feeling like I was at last progressing toward home. The open road felt wonderful with my mind opened wide to all that I could see ahead. Vision was now clear without the larger vehicle blocking my view, where earlier, I could not see the direction I needed to go before me.
Unlike selfish barriers, the loving Lord shows us vast growing room. Opportunity is our surroundings all the way home. Our Father in Heaven wants us to progress to our highest and best ability. He, as the greatest of all parents and mentors, not only tells us what to do, but God shows us the way.
This brings me to my new Personal Progress Value. Choice and Accountability #1. "A daughter of God can make wise decisions. Read and follow a pattern of prayer and scripture study to receive help in making good personal decisions."
Choices have two sides, always. Avoiding being blindsided by the adversary, the road is wide with opportunity and assistance at every which way for good and growing outcomes. God's promises are sure, as is His guiding hand.