Friday, April 13, 2012

Moving is like a Banana Split

Tabiatha was one of my many Young Women, and she had a glorious way with analogy. I think of her as I write this particular Personal Progress post.

Marachino cherries are found happily crammed together in a bottle. They're different in size maybe but pretty much they look, smell, and taste the same. So many marachino cherries grouped together gives a happy feeling, yes?

Well, now let's split a banana. Then, lets take a scoop of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream. And lets then pour on some hot fudge, strawberry, and carmel toppings. Now we'll pile that a foot high with real freshly whipped cream. Are you picturing the gooey sweetness? We're going to sprinkle the top with a few nuts. Now, let's take one cherry away from its friends and put it on top of the mountain. Where's the fun? Where's the most flavor? Right. At the bottom with the congregating banana, sauces, and ice cream. Sometimes it's not easy being stuck up here with the nuts!

That's what it's like to move, and that means you have to make and keep making moves of your own. Changes, like moving, are a part of life. Those times when we go from comfort to discomfort will happen again and again in various forms.

Choice and accountability #2 is about making a move in weak spots. So the three focuses I've chosen to strengthen from "For the Strength of Youth" are: Service, Physical and Emotional Health, and Friends.

I've chosen service because service to others gives me a greater opportunity to know other people and to serve is to lift another.

I've chosen physical and emotional health because I struggle with routine and habitual work outs and I want to take good care of myself.

I've chosen friends because I put myself last too much and need to physically play with friends more. I see their names on Facebook more than I see them and that's sad.

I know sometimes we can feel like we have no friends. It may surprise you to know teenagers and adults go through those same phases of feeling alone at times. We move, or join a new community, school, or interest group and our social circle changes. Sometimes, that's hard.

So what do we do about that? Think about these questions. Do I stop to talk to my neighbor or peer or do I lower our eyes and simply pass by? Do I try to deepen relationships with acquaintances that might turn into friendships? Do I reciprocate invitations, when someone has invited me to their home or do I just let it lie? Do I sit idle and wait for another to make the first move? Do I give into my discomfort to just stay inside the zone? Do I accept opportunities to serve another? Do I get involved in my school, ward, community, interest group to broaden my social circle?

Who really makes friendships happen? We do. Old friends don't have to leave us wanting. In reality, we don't put a cherry back in the jar because it seems too alone. No, we bring it down to mix with all the flavors, and it is so yummy! Friendship begins with ourselves. Make a move.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lessons and Legacy

Last summer I opened a fortune cookie that read, "You will acquire the highest level of intelligence." Really? I was so excited I blogged about the coincident quote. That was just after I applied to go to George Fox University. In time I was accepted, but with a school like Fox tuition was too pricey for my pocket. I opted for PCC instead, and was accepted straight away.

My intension was to attend full time, then transfer to Fox and come away with an English degree with a Writing major. I then planned to continue and earn an MFA in writing with a goal to become an editor, but my father in law wisely counseled me to take it slow and start with one class. I did so and learned one class right now was all I could handle. Then, in the midst of taking a second class, something interesting happened. Through the course of regular, ongoing intense study my energies went way down, I became constantly tired, and my writing went completely away. What? I was shocked as this once prolific children's writer could suddenly not pen one word--even in works in progress. The flow became null.

I could not get in-tune with that sweet place in serenity. Inspiration does not come without invitation, and with constant research writing and deadline worry, the invitation just was not there.

Constant and reliable, seminary became my grounding for balance. Every morning I'd rise at 4:30 and at 6:40 smiling but sleepy students sat at tables with eyes on mine waiting for enlightenment. And I learned that the higher intelligence I thought was a university experience, was of a different university, where the Lord was the teacher. That truth hit me hard as I stood before these bright stars, whose light always makes my day.

Sometimes what we plan for ourselves, isn't the Lord's plan, and we need to be careful to stay in tune and keep to that plan for balance and blessings. I now understand what was meant when my Father in Law told me, "It's not about the degree, it's about the growth of the person. For you, an education is about enlightenment."

How I love studying the Scriptures and opening up discussion with my students. I love listening to their ideas and wisdom. They teach me as much as I share with them. Seminary is my favorite part of the day, so much so that, while Jenn celebrates, I get bummed with every snow day. Today we started Job, and my kids were saying, "They should toss that story out, that's an awful story!" I can't wait to change their minds as we study further---we've just begun and Job is carrying a whole lot of weight right now, but bearing it in perfect faith. There's much to be learned from Job.

My last Personal Progress goal of daily prayer and scripture study has furthered my seminary experience in teaching, so much! It's also opened my eyes as to the importance of education, and "prioritized" learning. My desire for a degree is past. I just want to follow God's plan for me, and in simplifying---as you can see from this blog, serenity is returning as is the writing. I want to write for it is beyond sweet to me.

In Newberg, Seminary is changing, and though there are sad feelings of not having daily seminary, and of the unknown where only two teachers will be kept, I know that wherever I am asked to serve will be right, and that my personal in depth study of the gospel will continue as will my love of these dedicated teens who shake themselves out of bed every morning. They are amazing and a part of my heart.

I am happy for Released Time seminary coming to Newberg as it will open greater opportunities that might not be seen right now. Kids will be more alert and enjoy deeper study of the scriptures, and those who struggle with waking early will be blessed by being able to attend when they have the energy and capacity to really take in what is taught. Change is hard, but it is almost always good. So... as I wait to see what the Lord has planned next for me, I am continuing in what I have control over--my own personal progress.

So here we go! My next PP goal so my youth friends can know I am still working beside them as promised---Now is a perfect time for me to take on CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY #2
*Read the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. List each righteous behavior and why it is important to choose to live those standards. Practice living those standards and choose three to improve upon.

Have you seen the beautiful new For the Strength of Youth Booklet? It's been written just for us today! I hope Moms are working alongside daughters to go through your own Personal Progress Program, with our Father in heaven knowing each of us so well, as we go through this inspired plan, it becomes individually tailored in a beautiful way.

Onward and Upward! For my youth friends remember, Near or Far wherever you are, you are always in my heart. Keep stretching, keep growing!
~Sister Ries