The 2016 political climate is one of true mire. It's hateful really, and is perhaps in the history of my life, the most hateful race I've ever seen. Usually there's political mud slinging or dirt digging, and we're used to that, but this year, more than I've ever seen, parties are truly trying to crucify their opposing rivals, both sides being extreme and both sides being unduly crooked.
I was telling my husband how the world has seemed to shift so suddenly. Just since leaving Tigard six years ago, marijuana became legalized, the sanctity of marriage changed, respect for life has become void, a third gender has been named, abortion has become promoted, with fetal beings sold to science without conscience. Belief in God became unsound, and visions from media an unsightly mess as trucks mow down people and public gatherings around the world end in blood. Popularity overcame accountability and responsibility is judged based on political correctness. Law and order are challenged with the deaths of police. It's all just so strange. When did the world shift and who turned their heads to miss the beginning of the end of values, of freedom, of fidelity?
As I contemplate the visions that disrupt my sleep at night, I can so clearly see the warning of prophets coming to pass in my own day. It's wondrous and scary, and telling all at once feeling the widening gap between what I've been taught and have learned is right vs society's new rules of life. I wonder just how bad it's going to get, and if I am strong enough to handle the demons as I watch others I love continue to fall prey, swayed by the outside influences forgetting all.
It is my generation, that has long enjoyed a time of peace. Is peacetime passing and is the world entering a new age of unrest, a new war, a new normal as people force their agenda and beliefs on others? How do we get through the day of dissension, where division is prominent, and future uncertain? More than this generation has ever known, faith, whatever that means for us individually, is going to show it's vast significance. The time is here, when man will need to be spiritually self reliant to face the days that are here and ahead. (See Mark 4: 3-20)
In a study of hypnotism, my psychology teacher told me that I could never be hypnotized. When I asked why, he told me I was too much of a realist. That my mind is too strong to let go of what is real to be submissive to the wills of another. I'm too alert. In today's world, we need be alert, awake, and aware. How important it is that we stand for truth and right. Isaiah warned: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
Where the world is in commotion, are we in motion? As I ponder today's vastly changing world, I hear Neil Anderson's voice. "Beware of the evil behind the smiling eyes."
Personal commentary, no sharing please.
Copyright 2016 Lori Ries All rights reserved.