Friday, April 29, 2011


These Personal Progress Blogs are coming fast, I know. As soon as one is done, I choose another, that way I'm consistent about it. I find that if I take breaks after a completion, that Personal Progress can be forgotten, and for me, that's not good. There are variances in experience challenge. Some are quick, and others take time. My next experience takes a little more dedication.

Choice and Accountability #1. Make wise decisions and solve problems. Follow a pattern of regular scripture study and prayer to help in making personal decisions. Every time I see that, I know I can do better. It's so simple and yet so easy to let slide some days. I remember visiting BYU-I during Mother's week with Katie. This student ward had a star Sunday School teacher that I'll remember a long time.
"Who would like to say the opening prayer?" When he asked, not one hand raised. "No, one? Oh come on, this is exciting, Who wants to talk to God? We should all want to talk to God." That new perception had many hands. It became an exciting blessing. After the lesson, he asked again, "Okay, now who wants to talk to God?" And again hands went up everywhere.

I think when we look at scripture study and prayer as a should, and feel weak when we are not regular about it, it disempowers us. But as a "get to" it brings new energy and excites us into trying these gifts to better ourselves and our lives. I'm not as good about this as I can be, and am taking this on to be more regular so I get to learn and grow spiritually, and keep in tune to know better how I can serve in the different facets of my personal life, and make good decisions for personal growth and improvement. I've a lot of work to do here. make you hear, to make you feel; but above all to make you see.
~Joseph Conrad

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