Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Am a Giddy George Fox Girl!

Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

I just got an amazing phone call, and suddenly I feel like the girl I was in high school, with a million questions, and a zillion thoughts. My brain is all a happy excited jumble, like a school girl walking by a crush that just smiled at her. I'm giddy, jazzed, wildly overjoyed.

My counselor just called me from George Fox. Tomorrow morning he's invited me to meet with him for a private tour of the school, and he wants to bring me to the English department to meet the teachers saying everyone thinks there's a lot I can bring to the university as well. That made me happy as I like being used. I love being put to work.

So, here we go. My Knowledge project is complete, though the experience is just beginning. I hope I don't blow up the table in chemistry or pass out in dissection. It's the English, the writing, sweet words of the ages that draws me in.

I just love Dad Ries. I just told him the news before posting. He told me to remember it's not about graduation, but about the "transformation and growth of the individual." I like that. It takes the fear factor right out of the equation, placing purpose over the piece of paper. So tomorrow starts my first experience at George Fox, and I go with a smile.