Saturday, February 23, 2013

Here There Be Dragons

I come away from this ANWA writing conference renewed, reenergized, recharged and with "grit."

And what I have to say, I say especially to my own children and to my youth friends--you know who you are.

I have "always" believed in my children, always. There are so many parents out there, who don't believe in their own children,  who don't open eyes to show what they are capable of doing or becoming, who don't mentor them toward success in life, education, or eternal life, who don't invest time with them to encourage the development of that gifted soul, and it's sad.
In my writing life-- especially when I go to schools on author visits, those are the kids I try to reach the most. If you have wonderful nurturing engaged parents that lift and build you, be grateful, count your blessings, and listen to them. Parents are your biggest fans!

I had the most incredible experience in meeting the magnificent James Owen. My heart is still racing. Not because he's superman (literally) donning a superman ring as his wedding ring, wearing a superman shirt under his dress shirt, and carrying a superman seal in his pocket, which his young son also carries when James is away. Not because he's a millionaire with a plethora of high book sales and is making a movie with the Lord of the Rings crew. Not even because he's so huge that I feel like a nymph standing next to him in comparison---but because of the words he said to me after lunch, when he invited our conversation to carry on, inviting me to join him at the lunch table. After many left, we continued to talk in depth as he shared his career story with me, and asked me to share mine with him--including my slump in being told again and again I'm good but not edgy enough and controversy sells. (Words to make me never want to publish again.)

"You already know you're good. When you're good, sometimes you have to bold and tell others their wrong. You can do this. You can do anything you set your mind to. You might have to revise your novels 21 times to do it, but you can, and it's worth it." Pause... "I'm going to give you a card, and right now it's what you need to hear from me most." It was a small card, a card with a red dragon. It reads, "I believe in you." He signed it for me and it's going on my computer.

Okay youth friends, listen up. If I've ever shared my heart with you, I'm telling you from the core what I want you to hear right now. With every tiny measure of matter that makes me me, I want you to know you are unique. Heavenly Father has a plan, (just -for -you.)  And if you listen, as He leads you along in your choosing correct principals,  You will hear him saying, "I believe in you. You have a greater purpose--(realization of what that is will come later of course) but here's the catcher, "I will not let you fall."
There is a story behind that last line that Jaimie shared as our closing keynote, but I felt that truth all through me, as I heard this from him.  You have a purpose (that is all your own) and your Father in Heaven will not let you fall. You will get bumps and scrapes, having to climb up some rocky surfaces sure---but in the end, you will reach that potential, and the view will be glorious. The younger you start making smart, bold, correct, and meaningful choices, the sooner you will find your way to becoming who the Lord would have you be. Your parents can be your greatest support. At age 14, this guy was already submitting to DC comics, and I can give you a long list of his unyielding boldness from there.
You can do whatever you put your mind to if you want it. But no one can help you if you don't want it. It's like the Chautauqua banquet prayer, "Help us to realize it's not who we are that holds us back, but who we think we are not." Realization takes bold action. As Jaimie put it Are you the kind of person who just lets things happen? Or are you the kind of person that makes things happen?
When he asked me at lunch, it was something I'd never thought about before. But, I have made some bold moves and choices. If I wasn't bold...I wouldn't be a published author, a public speaker, or talking face to face with Superman without shaking in my socks.

This was just what I needed to delve back in to my writing. My health back, my thinking clear, I am ready to come home and be bold.  I hope my youth friends will be bold, too.
This life is all about choices. If you think about it, and that word choices encompasses EVERYTHING this life is about--that's all it's about, choices. The rest falls into place according to our choices.  We can still choose right, even when things are tough and wrong in outside influence. That sadly might be home, that might be peers, that might be health, or the economy. We are all survivors, as we pass through whatever life wants to hurl at us with both hands. With trial we strengthen our resolve which just brings us closer to what the Lord has for us to do as we overcome and thus become refined.
And when life is sweet, it's very sweet. Who knows how much time any of us has---the point is to choose to use the time we have to our best advantage for our long term joy.
Got a dream?
Stand up, speak up, act up, be bold for you.
"I" believe in you. Face your dragons.
If you choose to follow God's divine plan for you,
He will not let you fall.

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