Monday, June 20, 2011

Lessons From Alice

I've just completed Individual Worth #2. I'm not going to go into that much as our blessings are a personal thing. Likewise, is that experience of obtaining them, but I will say mine is my liahona and light in times of trial, my guide and my hold.

We learn a profound but simple truth from works like ALICE IN WONDERLAND where Alice comes to a place of multiple paths from which to choose. Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, "Which path shall I take?" And the cat responds giving a nugget of wisdom to the reader. "That depends on where you want to go. If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn't really matter which path you take."

It's amazing what happens when I write down a goal. That solidified statement becomes a pact between me and the action. My aunt years ago, as a young adult, taught me about goal setting and mind mapping--how to get line upon line to that creed of promise, starting at the core of desire; how to set my sights on an accomplishment and act upon it to make it happen. I was grateful for that first organizer she encouraged me to buy. She taught me to use it fully, teaching me organization and commitment.

How do you plan an entire life? You can't. Obviously the unseen will come into play, so we can't chart an entire life's course in all we'll go and do, but there are tools to help guide our righteous desires, and they can come about depending upon our faithfulness in doing what is right. We can chart things that matter most and work our way there through smaller stepping stone goals and determination.

Although I don't know what lies ahead for me at this stage of the game, I know my progression to grow both as an individual, and in spirit is key to our personal happiness. And I am excited for both what I've laid out ahead of me in my own goals and direction, and for whatever surprises the Lord has planned ahead in this journey called life. The sweetest thing is I know as I proceed, that I am far from alone, we can seek that guidance and direction always.
Because I do know where I want to go, the path I'm on feels good.

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