Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Worth of a Soul

This past Sunday was sad celebration. A whole mix of feelings, both sad and beautiful. There were many truths that hit me like a confession ripped from the heart.

I looked at the newly released Presidency, and felt my heart break all over again knowing how much they must love these girls. I've yet to pass from that deep love for girls myself. I don't know if I ever will. It seems to be innate. I kept wiping tears the whole meeting through. Though the calling goes away, and it's another's turn to learn and grow and love these precious daughters of deity, I was glad to learn the love never goes away, and even better, nor does it have to. When Jenn and I had to dash off after Sacrament, my heart flooded for these sisters seeing them embraced. I wanted to hug them and share what I've learned. That those relationships remain. If they don't know that now, they will.

We dashed off to bid farewell to a wonderful new missionary. This elder was in my son's group of priest friends. His story is remarkable. Some months ago ago he wanted to meet up with a serving missionary who had a large effect on him. He asked if they could meet at lunch.

They met and enjoyed the short reunion when a call came to this senior missionary and our new missionary saw how his face changed. They left and went to a companion apartment where a missionary sat outside badly banged up. There had been a physical fight between companions. After talking with the bruised missionary, the man not yet a missionary, went in to find the second.

He was found next to a packed suitcase. This Elder was a twin. While his brother was having a successful mission, for this brother, life had been hard and he felt no self worth or value in the hand he'd been dealt which included divorced parents and serious struggle. He felt useless in his mission and wanted to quit.
"Elder, would you stay on your mission, if you knew you made a difference in just one life?"
The elder looked at this humble man that had simply listened, and said, "yes."

"Good. Because you have just made a difference in my life. You've been through all this, and still came on a mission, while I've been feeling sorry for myself and trying to figure out what I should do. All my friends have been on their missions, they're gone, most of them married. I know it's late, but because of you, I'm going on my mission. If you can go through all that, and still be here, then I can go, too." The elder and future elder shared tears, and the suitcase started to be unpacked. One missionary stayed, and another leaves for the MTC to make a difference in someone else's life. (I had a quite the wad of kleenex in my hand that Sunday.)

What is the value of a soul? One of the reason tears fell unrelentingly making me feel like a ninny Sunday, is because I do know the difference one person can make in the life of another. Sister Olsen, my own, YW advisor taught me my self worth, and to this day, I love her for that. When I was with Sister Olsen, the spirit was strong, and I felt "precious." Every week, I saw Sister's Olsen's white laced table cloth. I saw the picture she set out of the temple. I saw her husband Maynard, how he adored her, and I felt her love for him. I knew I was seeing Heavenly Father's promises fulfilled and knew that is what I wanted for me. And, because of the heightened spirit I felt at Young Women's, with sister Olsen's teachings then, I have God's promises fulfilled today. There's not a day that I take that for granted.

Sister Olsen taught me that long after YW you can touch girls lives. A simple genuine compliment can make a girl's heart soar, but Sister Olsen went beyond. She held my first baby. She shared my name with one of her own daughters, and we are still in touch. I still marvel as I watched her serve as a Mission President's wife. Take in exchange students. And love this gospel. I've been so blessed to have such examples.

On that note I'm off to the last value for Individual Worth before the project. Individual Worth #3. Do all you can to build others, watching for two weeks and acknowledging their good qualities. Write about how your own confidence grows when you build others. This will be pleasurable fun. You know what else is really cool about doing Personal Progress as a mom? I didn't know this, but in reading learned my own daughter can sign off my experiences. And she is. That's a pretty neat feeling going to Jenn for completion and sharing all of this with my own beautiful daughter.

On George Fox, I received a wonderful email. "I will be reviewing your application on Wednesday or Thursday, and giving you a call on that day.

"From that point (if you are indeed accepted) there are a couple of other pieces we will pull together so that on July 8th we can try and get you registered for classes."

"Does that sound good?"

Yes, very. It's D Week. Decision.
And now Onward and Upward.

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