Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ready, Set, Grow!

Last night was fun. Jennifer was good natured humoring me for Family Home Evening. I learned she didn't even know More Holiness Give Me, but she did sing "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." And conducting went fine. I gave my little lesson on Charity, and learning a neighbor we met was running in city election, we made and took her a Candy Gram, (Card made with candy bars to substitute for words) wishing Peggy Halley luck with victory.

So I'm moving along mentioning another value experience I've been working on since it's here. These experiences are made; created to grow and stretch us as we act upon the goals and face our challenges, often, even our weaknesses. For girls, I found that many of the things they do going out for dance or lacrosse, preparing a speech, being a player of a theatre production, teaching a Family Home Evening lesson... all these things qualify.

In the trek our ward's girls are now preparing for, where they will go to the plains and do a re-creation of pioneer experience in full pioneer dress, pushing and pulling handcarts, and sleeping outside, walking for days, and possibly while carrying watermelon babies that are buried if they are dropped or break,--they learn organization and preparation, sewing, and are physically challenged in this persevering journey. This can be counted as well, but the trick is to plan, and count it, and then do, and pass it off as you yourself have grown in the process of setting and reaching goals. You can't go back and count what you've done, if it wasn't a planned goal--because it's already been done, and that's not progressing from where you are, is it?

So, I'm doing something I've not done, but that is still in line with my talents for Individual growth. Many of my mentor writing friends travel for school visit. They travel a lot and often back to back, with a day here or there to rest. I've always, because I have children still at home, kept to day trips. I'd visit a local school, present and come home to sleep in my own bed. But not this time. I've also done class and grouped classes, but not an auditorium type visit with the full school families. This time I am. I'm still not going to travel a lot as I feel I need to be home for my daughter this season of her growing, but someday I hope to travel a bit more, and I look forward to this first away two day school experience to learn what that's like.

For Individual Worth #8 I'm expanding my teaching abilities in traveling for two days, and will add to my school program a presentation, speaking before eighty families. It got a little scary last night when I realized I'd not thought everything out to cover home. Still exhausted from the quick turn around East Coast trip. But faith plays a big part in using our talents and when I prayed for guidance in my moment of panic, I was led to just who to call to fill what I'd overlooked---and then felt to just go to bed, and I would be fresh and better able to prepare in the morning. I followed those feelings and all is covered through friends and this morning I am energized and excited to grow these abilities being hosted by the principal, and learning my old bishop, and dear friend's son is coming as he is Prinicpal of the nearby middle school. HIS childhood dog Aggie, was my inspiration for the Aggie stories children love, and I've prepared a book release party where I'll unveil AGGIE GETS LOST coming in July for this special family presentation.

Personal progress isn't about doing such large things. It's about growing yourself, the very best way you can. with the gifts the Lord has given you. Working in your own capacity and Stretching the boundaries we make for ourselves so we can better serve our Father in Heaven, or neighbors, and our communities. The shaking stops when we see the purpose behind that which we do, and His guiding hand in all things.

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