Friday, May 27, 2011

Crazies and Cornbread

Keeping a Personal Progress Blog has been such a great way to keep me focused and on track. Menus are going well. It's fun to look back and see what I've done. It feels so good to see me making myself grow in so many various ways, as I stretch to try new things and even some quite ambitious things. In short, I'm having a blast.

When I logged on this morning to respond to email, I was surprised to learn I had an email from George Fox, with an account and password. The student services account lets me see what is happening with my application. I can see what is lacking, and the missing elements become checked off as they come in.

Today I asked three people who know me very well to send reference letters. I chose my editor at Charlesbridge, who I just think the world of, the wonderful man responsible for my involvement with Highlights and my career as a writer, and my wonderful bishop who moved to Alaska.

One of these friends shared their letter with me, and I was so moved. I am just so blessed to have such mentors and friends. Every now and again, I can't help but look about in awe. The warmth and support surrounding me from the start of my writing life all the way to present is just immeasurable. I feel so blessed and loved, and grateful to know such wonderful people. I hope to make them proud and somehow return all the good they continuously do for me.

A nervous excited feeling makes my heart race when I turn the computer on now. Emails like, "Do Not Respond" come up telling me a transcript has been sent, and my heart just flutters as my breath is caught in the wonder of something that is really happening. Something I've only been able to dream about for as long as I can remember.

And so on this day---with this nervous energy I took my husband's advice and played in the kitchen. Chili and Homeade Cornbread is cooked and waiting and Jenn's school isn't even out yet. My nervous energies are coming out all whack. But cornbread, or Johnny cake, as my Grandmother called it, is a favorite. It's never too early for cornbread. Just like it's never too late to apply ourselves to accomplish whatever we wish to do. I still can't believe I might actually get to go to college for real.
This is a good day.

On another note, I accomplished Good Works# 6 yesterday. But when it comes to service to others, well. Let's just say I'll keep that in my heart. The requirement is to give three hours of service outside my family, but I think that's an ongoing opportunity and joy.
Now to get back to checking off to dos. Having a place to divert nervous energy is good.

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