Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back to School

My menu task value #2 for Knowledge is going to be done in no time. That being the last part, I'm starting my Knowledge project. A Personal Progress Project has to include at least ten hours, and, there is a project for each value.
I've chosen bullet #2, and not to make a project of my own.

Prepare for higher education and obtaining marketable skills. Learn about college requirements, scholarships, and tuition and other expenses. Apply for entrance when appropriate.

College has forever been my dream. There was no one to guide me that way years ago, and I knew nothing of grants only costs, so I didn't ask my parents knowing they didn't have a money tree. I think, too, because fresh out of high school, I had no direction or course, the topic closed forever, at least until I could get myself there. I feared I might not be good enough back then.

I am not that girl. The timid creature is long gone when it comes to trying the new. My mentors taught me the secret to success. Act as if you already are, and then you become. It works in most scenarios. My husband has been my greatest fan, my encouragement as he pushes me to stretch, and my greatest friend who not only guides, but validates, and gets me through the rough.

I'm definitely what you'd call a late bloomer when it comes to higher education. But the nice thing about that is. I now know my passion, and I have the time to learn more about it, more time to grow in learning, and time to enjoy that journey, as I become a better writer, and learn to greater give to society.

Why bother going to college when you're mid life? I want to reinvent myself. I think I could become a very good editor, and an English degree would serve me in my writing/ teaching life. I also love learning about all kinds of things.
I have the perfect window with married BYUites, now finding their way, and I have a tuition fee free four years before Jennifer goes to a university. Now, is the perfect time to be serious about my own education.

I'm applying to George Fox University.

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