Thursday, May 26, 2011

So You Think You Can Think

I've been multi tasking. Helping Jenn wrap up multiple school projects, Keeping up pace with home needs, and attacking university application prep has been my day's deeds.

Last night I couldn't sleep so I jumped on the George Fox Site and studied. My application window became null with a phone call to George Fox today. I was told there's still some room for students, but that Fall term was nearly full, and that I needed to hurry. Now is the deadline.

I was given the name of a counselor to call tomorrow. I'm to let him know my application is in and transcripts have been ordered. My application has been received and dated, because I jumped turning my afternoon into a race for completion. It's a long process to apply. A six page application, complete with full page essay. Then, I had to contact the schools of my education, including Helena High and Leilehua, of thirty years ago. It was so fun to hear the cute lady on the other end of the phone, "Leilehua High School..." I wonder how much that phone call to Hawaii will cost? That will be a curious find. But thirty years ago is a factor in the decision.

I find it interesting that what happened thirty years ago can effect opportunities for education thirty years later. I had no idea my teen life could have so much impact on my adult life. I see now how Personal progress values bleed together to make us who we are, and that new realization--the outcome of how values used, for good or ill, together through the ages, is lasting and important. Our ability to deal and function through adversity in teen years, is then also important. A GPA is a GPA and it holds merit, apparently forever. That could be good or bad.

Choice and accountability, have an impact on this decision as transcripts are reviewed. For me there are no ACT or SAT scores to consider, and, the marks of the shy and horribly insecure teen are nothing to brag about. Hopefully what I became, and what I've done with my life since those awkward years, will give me a little leverage in the weighing of success in completion. On my part it's taking faith. I have to believe doors will open and they'll see my good works and determination. Beyond Helena, there's a 4.0 at Utah Valley University. Another 4.0 from Parkland College. There's two years study through The Institute of Children's Literature, and many workshops through Highlights. So I hope. I truly hope they'll let me in.

It does amaze me that choices made in youth can govern such an important outcome, in judgement, years later. After watching the first night of "So You Think You Can Dance." I feel like I'm trying out for "So You Think You Can Think" as I compete against another student for a seat in the University, and, after a life's performance... and a whole lot of paper work...
we now wait.

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