Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's All Good

Knowing we were coming to Washington DC, I chose to work on Knowledge #3.
I've had article of faith 13 memorized since I passed it off as a Merrie Miss for primary graduation, so that part was easy. I just love the words.
The next part is visiting a museum or exhibit-- The Smithsonian was an enriching experience.
Walking through the amazing places we've been is like living history. The National Space and Air museum lets us experience the invention of flight and the glory of space exploration. Accomplishing something untouchable at one time. The World History Museum let us explore what the world was like from it's beginning, and ponder science and various theories of origination. American History Museum--did you know Booth's plan to kill President Abraham Lincoln was actually a larger conspiracy to murder many union officials? The would be involved were caught, and many executed, before other officials were harmed. I learned so much about so many things. Eye opening. Freedom is not free. I was amazed to see the war of my lifetime added in seeing the pictures of the twin towers ablaze and artifacts of aftermath both from the site, and a plane that fell here in DC where good men and women thwarted plans for another destructive fate n the pentagon, sacrificing their lives by choice in fighting the enemy mid air, rather than letting it happen.

The Lincoln Memorial is a site of many new starts for acceptance. Lincoln sits tall letting us look up into Honest Abe's tired but hopeful face standing for change. What he did for the country was amazing--though it took years for the nation to truly see the amazing meaning in his presidency after death. He brought together unity of a country. Freedom of man. Humanity for all. It was one of my favorite places as a child, and I found those same feelings return as an adult looking up at that great man, larger than life. Born in a cabin, he rose out of obscurity to become one of the greatest men of all time. Just an awe inspiring place.

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and in doing good to all men...
While I realize not all of us will do monument like things, our lives are still great, wrought with little opportunities to do great good. And when we do good, we're living large. No matter who we are, or where we come from, individual greatness is all around, even in doing good in the smallest of circumstances.

"If there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

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