Friday, May 6, 2011

Learning, a journey, not a destination

I love Personal Progress. I love it because it keeps me growing. As long as I'm doing some kind of work or service in my life--I don't feel stagnate, like I've settled, arrived. I like growing because let's face it, life is living. To merely exist for me--would regress, and perhaps even depress me. As long as life goes on, so also will my learning. The desire to learn is never snuffed out. With breath, comes greater breadth in desire for knowledge and accomplishment.

My father in law once called me a seeker. I'm never done learning, never satisfied. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. I'm like a sponge that wants to soak it all in, especially truth, reason, and writing. I like to think. I love to create.

Here in the mecca of our countries origin, I'm really feeling that learning hunger pang, so for Personal Progress, I'm focusing on knowledge. Value experiences 1 and 2. Two is going to take a little time, but I can start it here, following the layout. List talents I have or would like to develop. Okay, we have to be honest here so my talents, (feel free to chime in) I've come to LOVE public speaking. I'm fairly organized (except when it comes to my writing space) I love anything churchy-- that's just me. Cooking and following a recipe I'm pretty good at, I'm a good Mom/ Wife. I'm incredibly patient (don't pray for that--or you might get multiple surgical opportunities.) ;) I'm a good writer. I think I'm friendly--you'd have to ask my friends. :^) I'm a good housekeeper. I learn well especially hands on.

Talents I'd like to develop. I'd like to learn to speak without notes, and I'd like to become magnificent at that. I'd like to become a "great writer" one who could successfully write anything that calls to her; Novels. I'd also really like to learn to have an eye catching garden. Doesn't have to be large, but lovely to the eye and thriving and yummy. Long term, I'd like someday to go back to college, to use the brain I've been given in the capacity I've been given to continue to grow in whatever ways I feel directed from within and above. I want to continue to explore who Lori is and what talents lie inside, and I want to use them and grow them for good purpose. I want to keep writing and become the very best writer I can be. I want to serve the children of the world through the stories I create, that's heaven. And I want to learn how to be a good Grandma.

To my way of thinking, as long as a man/ woman is learning, he/ she is developing. I'm not dead, so the Lord isn't done with me yet. The more I learn, the more I learn there's more to learn, ways to grow, ways to go. Just what is the limit for learning? Learning is as infinite as the vast space beyond our little planet. We are but a tiny thing in another dimension of possibility. What's beyond where man has already explored "more." Unreachable? Only as man believes.

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