Monday, May 23, 2011

A Blue Print of Sorts

I planned the menu, shopped by the menu, and have three weeks to work on my latest goal. (I can tell it's going to take me that long to master Knowledge #2) This one is a definite spiral, as I've already jinxed it. Jenn wanted to make chicken pasta pesto, as was on the menu. But the chicken was still frozen and because I didn't have virgin olive oil, but blood orange olive oil--we substituted. Don't try this at home. Blood orange and fresh basil, combined, is really nasty. I mean grossology nasty. So I dumped it, and tossed in tonight's pizza last night instead. :) Some substitutions just don't work.

While I continue to learn loathsome menuing, and try to see it as lovely planning, I'm taking on Individual Worth #4. I love the scripture that accompanies this one.

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a bhouse, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."

House of God means a more heavenly home, and state of being--peaceful, organized, a place where everyone wants to be. Home can be a heaven on earth. And where a person is filled with peace, there is no room for contention.
Peace requires preparation.

A talk in church feels more in control when you prepare before that eve.
School tests are easily passed when prepared books and notes are studied for memorization in time ahead.
Likewise, Life is easier when we plan what we will/ will not do (peer pressures), preparing to oppose, or embrace, any opportunity when it's time.

For this value I'm asked to make a list of my hopes and dreams for home, family, education, what I'd like to accomplish in my life, and share that plan.

As a youth I knew exactly what I wanted, and what I wanted to give my future children.

Now with married children, and one that will grow and go faster than I'd like to think about... I have to ask what are my hopes and dreams for the future now? Mid life-- what do I want to accomplish? Some might think that once a family is raised we're left with enduring to the end. I don't believe that. God wants a powerful people. That means there is always something to do.

In my family, I plan to, with my husband, help Jenn grow, guide her, and support her that her feet, too, might be independent, and, leaving home, set on that correct path. I want to enjoy my family and be a wonderful grandmother, as my grandmothers were to me.

I know there's more to learn. I plan to go back to school and work toward an English degree, to fill in the holes of my education so I can be a stronger writer, and maybe even step into an editor role. (If there's no such thing as too old or too late. Editors tend to be quite young.) Even so--working toward that will season my writing, and seal my passion.

I also plan to serve a mission with my husband someday. We've seen many friend couples go, and serve in those same areas where the husband earlier served his mission. That's been cool to see. David went to Taiwan, so I may be learning some prep Mandarin. That would serve me in school visits too. This is a goal we both have. I always thought it would be fun to be the Mom of all those missionaries. I told David if he ever became a mission president, I wouldn't mind a bit!

How do I plan to accomplish it? Well, my family goals are priority right now. In the fall, I plan to start taking some classes at PCC Newberg, and the couple's mission will come in time. Right now I'm raising a daughter. That's a project all in itself! :)

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