Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Eating

My first travel school visit went well. The equipment worked great. Ali Nice, the principal (and yes she really is nice) hosted me, and it was a wonderful time. I was really surprised but impressed with how people shared with me their personal situations and faith in better things to come. It's no secret that in today's world much is being taken from the children. Office people and the librarian are losing positions with more cuts coming. But oh, my gosh a lady from the office is beyond talented with illustration and she came to talk to me for a long while asking, "Can I really have my dream?" Oh, yes! She is astounding, beyond astounding and I can't believe that kind of talent isn't being used. She's been educated in that skill, and she is amazing, so I'm getting her in contact with connections in hopes she can work toward her passion.

There was such an openness with good people everywhere. One of the things I like best about what I do, is I get to meet super great people I otherwise would not know. My bouquet of friends is ever growing and I LOVE it. People associated with children are just good hearted people, and I love how they openly share with me their faith and natural trust in the Lord. --We're all one family on this little earth each trying to do the best we can and that makes life beautiful.

Okay, my last experience in knowledge, before my Knowledge Project, for me, is really going to try me. Knowledge value #2. Second part. "Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your family." For awhile now, I've felt pressed to get myself in better order. I'm pretty organized anyway, but where meals are concerned I am not. I used to be. Now I know why. The responsibilities of my husband has grown, and he needs an organized household to do what he's been called to do in all the areas of his life. I can better support him by getting better organized. My biggest weakness has become probably his biggest need.

When Danny and Katie were home all through high school, dinner was on the table when Dad came home at 6:30. I LOVED cooking, playing with recipes and the new. I had a weekly baking day where I made bread, and calzones, hot pockets, pizza, cinnamon rolls. I loved trying new desserts, cooked all kinds of dishes, and especially enjoyed "plating" making dishes attractive. But through the latter years, my love of cooking has become sullen, and my joy of family dinners has lost it's flavor. Dan went on his mission, Katie to college, and with busy schedules we ate out more. I really missed my grown munchkins and disliked so many empty chairs. I'd look at that big table, and just the two of us, J and I ,and ask,"What sounds good to you tonight? Then we'd go out to find it just to get that time behind us. When Dad was home, I'd cook, but eating was accompanied by Seinfeld. I avoided the Dining room. Living in Tigard, that was a lot easier than where I live now when it's just Jen and I.

I've felt that I need to get organized to the point of planning and shopping with a menu, but ugh-- couldn't bring myself to do that even though I know it is the right thing to do, and the best thing for the family overall. I don't like a menu telling me what to do when. I think that's the only true "I don't wanna" rebel in me, and yet, I can't figure out why that is so darn hard. What my hangup here is, when I once loved it so so much.

However, seeing Julia Child's kitchen reminded me of that love for creation, her kitchen was plain, and a family kitchen. Her cooking show was because she wanted to turn the kitchen into the place where the family gathers. That was just the inspiration I needed, and now that travel is done for a time, I can try again to recapture that joy, by learning a new and better way to cook since we are far from everything and lets face it unused food spoils.

So... this is going to be what I'm going to learn. I'm going to grit my teeth, sigh, and make that menu. Clean out the fridge and pantry and shop by that menu (okay with extra ice cream) for the week. Then continue for three weeks.
We'll see how it goes! Bon app'etit!


  1. You are going to love having a plan once you get past the little rebel in you. Life is so much simpler and cooking so much more joyful when you don't have to try to figure it out everyday. You can use that brain power for something else instead. :)

  2. Thanks, Joyce for the encouragement. Actually did the menu and shopped. I am semi-excited to try. :)
